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    Harper Adams is an official training centre for BASIS Registration, the leading authority in training, certification, auditing and standard setting in pesticides, fertilisers, food production and plant nutrition amongst many others.

    The BASIS courses and CPD events you can study here range from day refreshers to 35-day certifications.


    Short Course Office
    Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB
    Telephone: +44 (0)1952 815 300
    Fax: +44 (0)1952 812 125
    Email: scco@harper-adams.ac.uk

    Short Course/CPD BASIS - Advanced Module - Cereals This course is designed for professional consultants, advisers and representatives working in the crop protection industry. It will also be of value to managers of crop protection products, farmers with a large arable concern and those qualified for the BASIS Professional Register who want to extend and update their specialist knowledge or who wish to gain Continuing Professional Development Points. There is an examination to qualify towards the BASIS Advanced Certificate or the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy.
    Short Course/CPD BASIS - Advanced Module - Grassland and Forage Crops This course is designed for professional consultants, advisers and representatives working in the crop protection industry. It will also be of value to employees of agrochemical production companies and practical farmers who have grassland and fodder crops as part of their enterprise mix. This course is for candidates with a sound knowledge of arable, grassland and forage crops who are qualified for the BASIS Professional Register and who want to extend and update their specialist knowledge or who wish to gain Continuing Professional Development Points. There is an optional examination to qualify towards the BASIS Advanced Certificateor the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy.
    Short Course/CPD BASIS - Advanced Module - Legume and Oilseeds This course is designed for professional consultants, advisers and representatives working in the crop protection industry. It will also be of value to managers of crop protection products, farmers with a large arable concern and those qualified for the BASIS Professional Register who want to extend and update their specialist knowledge or who wish to gain Continuing Professional Development Points. There is an optional examination to qualify towards the BASIS Advanced Certificate or the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy.
    Short Course/CPD BASIS - Advanced Module - Sugar Beet This course is designed for professional consultants, advisers and representatives working in the crop protection industry. It will also be of value to managers of crop protection products, farmers with a large arable concern and those qualified for the BASIS Professional Register who want to extend and update their specialist knowledge or who wish to gain Continuing Professional Development Points. There is an optional examination to qualify towards the BASIS Advanced Certificate or the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy.
    Short Course/CPD BASIS - Certificate in Crop Protection This course is designed for field, sales and technical staff, professional consultants, advisers and representatives working in the crop protection industry. It will also be of value to managers of crop protection products and farmers of any large arable concerns. Concise BASIS is run as a block release course intended for those candidates whose knowledge of crop protection is incomplete. A large part of the course is home work-based as the candidates develop crop-walking skills. The course is intensive and is appropriate only for candiates who have some prior knowledge or experience of UK Agricultural crop production and protection.
    Short Course/CPD BASIS - Certificate in Crop Protection - (Grassland and Forage Crops) This course is designed for people working in the agricultural industry in regions where grassland is a significant crop and user of land. The course will be geared toward farmers, farm staff and employees of the crop protection industry and for field, sales and technical staff whose job is primarily linked to advice, sales and support for the dairy and livestock production regions. Those already holding a BASIS Certificate would find this course useful as a means of broadening knowledge into a wider agricultural scene beyond arable farming.
    Short Course/CPD BASIS - Plant Protection Award (PPA) This course is ideal for agronomists who wish to demonstrate an advanced level of knowledge of crop protection technology. The PPA is the qualification required by the Crop Protection Association of its members who regularly give advice. It covers the technology of crop protection at a more advanced level than the BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection for Field, Sales and Technical Staff. The latter is a pre-requisite for candidates wishing to achieve the PPA. It is strongly recommended that candidates should have had at least two years experience after obtaining the BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection before taking the Plant Protection Award.
    Short Course/CPD Revision BASIS (Certificate in Crop Protection) This course is designed for field, sales and technical staff, professional consultants, advisers and representatives working in the crop protection industry. It will also be of value to managers of crop protection products and farmers of a large arable acreage. This is a one-week course for candidates already proficient in all aspects of crop protection, with full experience in a wide range of crops but whose knowledge requires a degree of polishing before sitting the BASIS examination.

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