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    Short Courses/CPD

    BASIS - Fertiliser Advisers Certification and Training Scheme (FACTS)

    Who is this course designed for?

    This course is designed for those who wish to pass the FACTS examination leading to the Certificate of Competence in Fertiliser Advice, as well as advisers, representatives, farmers and farm managers involved in arable crop production and management. It will also be of interest to those who have qualified for the BASIS Professional Register and want to gain Continuing Professional Development points.

    The course assumes a basic prior level of agronomic knowledge with regard to production of cereals, oilseed rape, sugar beet, potatoes and grassland. The course then builds on this with regard to principles and practice of crop nutrition, fertiliser recommendations and nutrient planning. It is essential that delegates are familiar with a range of farming systems and nutrient issues, and have sufficient supervised field experience before attempting the exam. It is highly unlikely that the course alone will raise knowledge to the level needed to pass the exam. It is therefore a pre-requisite that candidates have at least one year’s experience of fertiliser and nutrient management planning in the UK under the supervised guidance of another suitably qualified person.


    As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Fully understand the role of fertilisers in food production.
    • Make recommendations that are agronomically, economically and environmentally sound.

    Course content

    • The soil in relation to plant nutrition.
    • The nature and properties of fertilisers.
    • Organic fertilisers.
    • Crop nutrients and the basis for calculating the amount of fertiliser required.
    • Use of fertilisers on the main crop groups in the UK.
    • Transport, storage, handling and labelling requirements necessary to protect the environment.
    • Codes of good agricultural practice, legal and safety requirements to protect the environment

    For more detailed information about the syllabus please refer to the .


    A successful candidate will qualify for the FACTS Certificate of Competence in Fertiliser Advice. This course will also accrue 30 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) points.

    This course contributes to the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy and the newly accredited 91Pro Graduate Diploma in Agronomy with Environmental Management.

    This course carries 5 CPD points for the BASIS Professional Register.

    Advanced BASIS crop modules

    • BASIS Professional Register Courses


    £1125.00 (tuition only)

    Examination fee: * £329.00 

    Full residential rate: £85.00 per night

    Lunch and beverages: £23.50 per day

    * will increase 1st July 2025


    • 31 March-4 April 2025 Tuition (FULL)
    • 8-9 April 2025 Examination (FULL)
    • 1-5 September 2025 Tuition
    • 9-10 September 2025 Examination


    For further information, course dates, and to book, please contact:

    Short Course Office
    Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB
    Telephone: +44 (0)1952 815 300
    Fax: +44 (0)1952 812 125
    Email: scco@harper-adams.ac.uk

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