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    Short Courses/CPD

    BASIS - Soil and Water Management

    This course is designed for those who wish to pass the BASIS examination leading to a Certificate in Soil and Water Management. Also for advisers, farmers and farm managers who wish to improve their awareness, knowledge and skills in soil and water management - two essential components of modern agriculture.


    As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Appreciate the principles governing the maintenance of soil organic matter contents, maintenance of good soil structure and methods for the prevention of water and wind erosion.
    • Appreciate the legal requirements for the protection of soil and the maintenance of soil health.
    • Appreciate the mechanics, economics and environmental aspects of cultivation.
    • Appreciate the relationships between soil and water management to enable best use of land and the minimisation of diffuse pollution.
    • Understand the role of plant nutrients in crop production and their application, all with due regard for environmental protection.
    • Understand the advantages, risks and legal aspects of the application of farm manures and other organic manure products to land.

    Course content

    • Soil protection and soil health
    • Prevention of water and wind erosion.
    • Mechanics, economics and environmental aspects of cultivation.
    • Soil physical properties – texture and structure.
    • Soil organic matter.
    • Soil water properties.
    • Drainage and irrigation.
    • Plant macro/micronutrients and fertiliser planning.
    • Manures and soil organic inputs to enhance crop growth and their effects on diffuse pollution.

    For more detailed information about the syllabus please refer to the BASIS website: 


    A successful candidate will qualify for the BASIS Soil and Water Management Certificate.  This course also accrues 25 Continuing Professional Development points. This course contributes to the BASIS Diploma in Agronomy and the newly accredited 91Pro Graduate Diploma in Agronomy with Environmental Management.

    Advanced BASIS crop modules

    • Plant Protection Award
    • Biodiversity and Environmental Training for Advisers


    £1125.00 (tuition only)

    Examination fee: * £389.00 

    Full residential rate: £85.00 per night

    Lunch and beverages: £23.50 per day

    * may increase slightly July 2025


    For further information, course dates, and to book, please contact:

    Short Course Office
    Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB
    Telephone: +44 (0)1952 815 300
    Fax: +44 (0)1952 812 125
    Email: scco@harper-adams.ac.uk

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