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    Short Courses/CPD

    BASIS - Certificate in Crop Protection - (Grassland and Forage Crops)

    This course is designed for people working in the agricultural industry in regions where grassland is a significant crop and user of land. The course will be geared toward farmers, farm staff and employees of the crop protection industry and for field, sales and technical staff whose job is primarily linked to advice, sales and support for the dairy and livestock production regions. Those already holding a BASIS Certificate would find this course useful as a means of broadening knowledge into a wider agricultural scene beyond arable farming.


    As a result of this course, participants will be able to:

    • Be aware of the different types of grassland found in the UK.
    • Understand the different plant species used in grassland and their role in production.
    • Explain how plants grow and develop through the season and the effects this has on feed value.
    • Understand how weed problems develop in forage crop situations and the steps appropriate to control them.
    • Appreciate the economical and environmental importance of grass and forage crop pest control.
    • Recognise potential diseases and recommend appropriate methods of prevention, treatment and control.
    • Understand pesticide safety and approve aspects specific to grassland / livestock farm situations.
    • Understand pesticide application in forage crop situations.
    • Understand aspects of hand-held and small scale / local pesticide application methods.

    Course content

    • Growth and development of grasses, clovers and some forage crop examples.
    • Herbage seed mixtures and selection of varieties of forage crops.
    • Recognition, biology and control of grassland weeds.
    • Recognition, biology and control of pests – particularly soil living pests.
    • Recognition, biology and control of grass and clover diseases with examples appropriate to forage crops.
    • Composition, activity and persistence of crop protection chemicals and biological agents; use of pesticides in fields subject to occupation by grazing animals.
    • Application of crop protection chemicals with specific reference to grass and forage crop situations.
    • Safe use, handling, transport and storage of crop protection chemicals.

    For more detailed information about the syllabus please refer to the BASIS website:


    A successful candidate will qualify for the BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Grassland and Forage Crops). This course also accrues 30 Continuing Professional Development points.  


    Tuition: £1875.00

    Examination fee: * £545.00

    Lunch and beverages: £23.50 per day

    Full residential: £85.00 per day

    * may increase slightly July 2025


    • 7-10 April 2025 Part IV including Examination


    For further information, course dates, and to book, please contact:

    Short Course Office
    Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB
    Telephone: +44 (0)1952 815 300
    Fax: +44 (0)1952 812 125
    Email: scco@harper-adams.ac.uk

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