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    Short Courses/CPD

    BASIS Foundation in Agronomy (Grassland and Forage Crops)

    The course is a sound introduction to the agronomy, integrated crop protection and crop nutrition of grassland and forage crops. For some delegates with limited crop experience and knowledge it serves as a preliminary course for the BASIS Certificate in Crop Protection (Grassland and Forage Crops) Course. For others such as some farm and retail staff, who have a role which will not involve giving agronomy and crop protection advice, it is a stand-alone course providing them with a level of understanding and knowledge appropriate for their work.

    Topics covered include:

    • Soil Health and Management
    • Rotation Planning
    • Crop Establishment
    • Crop Nutrition, Fertiliser Products and their Application
    • Plant Protection Products and their Application
    • Biology, Identification and Integrated Control of Weeds, Pests and Diseases of Grass and Forage Crops
    • Grass and Forage Crop Variety Choice, Establishment and Management

    Course delivery

    The course duration will be four consecutive days with an online exam the following week.

    Participatory training techniques will be used throughout.



    £800 (full tuition cost of the 4 day course, excluding lunch and accommodation).

    Examination fee: * £289.00 

    Lunch and beverages: £23.50 per day

    Full residential: £85.00 per night

    * may increase slightly July 2025


    For further information, course dates, and to book, please contact:

    Short Course Office
    Newport, Shropshire, TF10 8NB
    Telephone: +44 (0)1952 815 300
    Fax: +44 (0)1952 812 125
    Email: scco@harper-adams.ac.uk

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