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Dr Cooper manages honours research projects for environmental undergraduates and acts as departmental lead for masters research projects. Dr Cooper holds a BSc in sustainable development from the University of St Andrews and a PhD in environmental management from the University of Central Lancashire. His research on the water-energy-food nexus in agricultural policy has been published by ; his work on energy crops has been published by . Jonathan welcomes contact from prospective postgraduate research students interested in developing proposals related to his interests.
Dr Cooper (along with co-applicant, the Royal Scientific Society, Jordan) received £20,000 from the Royal Academy of Engineering under the Frontiers of Engineering for Development scheme for a project entitled 'Enhancing food security through urban farming systems in Jordan'. Dr Cooper was the lead applicant for this project during 2020-21. More information can be found here.
Dr Cooper (along with partners, the South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers and the Institution of Agricultural Engineers, UK) received £159,413 from the Royal Academy of Engineering under the GCRF Africa Catalyst Phase 3 scheme for a project entitled ‘Growing agricultural engineering in Africa'. Dr Cooper led the University's involvement in this project during 2019-21.
Dr Cooper (along with partners, the South African Institute of Agricultural Engineers and the Institution of Agricultural Engineers, UK) received £70,000 from the Royal Academy of Engineering under the GCRF Africa Catalyst Phase 2 scheme for a project entitled ‘Planning for the growth of agricultural engineering in Africa by supporting the establishment of AfroAgEng’. Dr Cooper led the University's involvement in this project during 2018-19.
Griffiths, C., Vickers, L., Cooper, J. C. and Randall, N. (2024) 'What is the Evidence of Delivery of Key Ecosystem Services in Community-based Urban Agriculture Systems? A Systematic Map Protocol' PROCEED 24-00228.
Cooper, J. C. (2023) ‘Energy and Industrial Crops’ in: Samuel, A. and Dines, L. (eds) Lockhart and Wiseman’s Crop Husbandry including Grassland, 10th ed, Oxford: Woodhead, pp. 455–464.
Cooper, J. C. (2022) ‘Farmer Perceptions of Carbon Sequestration’ Soil and Water Winter Conference, 91Pro, Newport, 13th January.
Cooper, J. C. (2021) ‘Stakeholder Perceptions of Agricultural Engineering in Africa’ in: Taylor, A. J., Opara, U. L. and Smithers, J. (eds) Agricultural Engineering in Africa, Pretoria: Pan African Society for Agricultural Engineering, pp. 66–69.
Stormonth-Darling, J., Symonds, R., Cooper, J. C., Burton, S. and Ransom, J. (2020) Homeworking and Vacant Office Space: Can Urban Agriculture Fill the Void?, Liverpool: UKUAT (UK Urban AgriTech).
Cooper, J. C. (2019) ‘The Water-Energy-Food Nexus in Agricultural Policy’ in: Koulouri, A. and Mouraviev, N. (eds.) Policy and Governance in the Water-Energy-Food Nexus, Abingdon: Routledge, pp. 64–74.
Cooper, J. C. (2017) ‘Rural Land Use in Conflict? Energy and Food in the UK’ in: Eastham, J. et al. (eds.) Contemporary Issues in Food Supply Chain Management, Oxford: Goodfellow, pp. 198–203.
Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment
Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment
Tel: 01952 815387
Office: G11 Jubilee Adams, Tudor Lodge and NW Building
Research profile:
You can contact Dr Jonathan Cooper if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:
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