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At Harper Adams, we have a duty to ensure that all procurement of goods/services represents the most cost-effective, and best value-for-money solution for all of our stakeholders and that what's being purchased meets our needs.
HAU procurement is committed to developing the following strategic themes:
Additionally, please note that the University will be prioritising working with suppliers who share our HAU 2030 vision, are innovative and can demonstrate sustainable social value which supports HAU or the Edgmond, Newport or Telford local areas.
Harper Adams has various contractual arrangements in place for regular purchases and has in-house Estates Maintenance, Catering and Cleaning teams.
New supply requirements will be sourced in line with our financial regulations and the lastest UK procurement legislation and guidance, two main routes to market being:
In accordance with the latest Public Procurement Regulations and University Financial Procedures the value, nature and complexity of the requirement will determine the process used.
We will openly advertise procurement opportunities as required by UK Government cabinet office on Contracts Finder (or the Central Digital Platform) suppliers wishing to be included in tenders or opportunities to bid should register on our Multiquote e-tendering portal which is supported Elcom:
In order to register on Multiquote you will need to know your company’s house details and DUNS number. For further help on this please use:
The e-tendering portal will be the main method used by the University to advertise and tender for procurement requirements over £25,000 (note this figure is based on the expected spend value over the full contract period, which could be several years in length).
The University is committed to working fairly and equitably with all suppliers and similarly expects relationships with suppliers to operate in a responsible manner.
To support efficient payment, robust supplier management and auditable transactions the University operates a No Purchase Order No Pay policy.
Invoices must be properly formatted and detail a valid 91Pro Purchase Order to ensure payment. The University will accept no liability for invoices received that do not comply with these instructions. Invoices should be sent to purchases@harper-adams.ac.uk.
For the avoidance of doubt the attached University Standard Terms and Conditions of Purchase apply to all Orders unless otherwise agreed in writing by the University.
The Procurement Act, which will reform the existing Procurement Rules applicable to the public sector, received Royal Assent in October 2023.
Procurement Act 2023 and new processes in this area will now commence on 24 February 2025 – it has been delayed to allow time for a new National Procurement Policy Statement (NPPS) to be produced by the new administration.
The Transforming Public Procurement programme aims to improve the way public procurement is regulated in order to:
The Cabinet Office have updated their , which includes a dedicated FAQ. More guidance and information for suppliers is due to be published which it is recommended that you Google-search, there are specific ‘how-to’ videos and step-by-step guides on registering and using the central digital platform
For all contract or general purchasing queries please contact HAUprocurement@harper-adams.ac.uk
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