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    The Library


    The Library provides access to a variety of databases and full-text resources. These provide you with online access to journal articles and abstracts.

    Most do not require a login on campus. Off campus, you can login by using your Harper login. If this option is not available, details of the alternative login (if applicable) are available on the Secure Databases page.

    HOLLY - this indicates whether the database can be searched using HOLLY (Harper Online Library).



    Ebookplatform covering a variety of subjects. 

    Free access to over 1.5 million academic articles at participating UK local public libraries.

    ADLib is a constantly expanding resource that currently contains over 2500 indexed and cross-linked documents from over 60 organisations who supply advisory information to the agricultural, horticultural and land use industries.

    Free, open access repository of full-text scholarly literature in agricultural and applied economics.

    Practical, sustainable farming regardless of labels. The site provides unrivalled access to world-class information resources and champion good farming practice based on ecological principles.

    American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers. Full-text journal articles, standards, conference proceedings and e-books. Subjects covered include agricultural engineering, buildings, off-road vehicles and soils.


    Find British and Irish case law and legislation, European Union case law, Law Commission reports, and other law-related British and Irish material.

    Bidwells research reports provide quality market data and commentary which provides users with valuable insights and helps with market analysis and strategic planning process. Free online short publications with a wealth of information for agriculture, food, business and planning.

    Free access to Proceedings from over 50 years of BCPC Conferences and Symposia dating all the way back to 1954. The proceedings can be searched online and also downloaded. 

     HOLLY Partial

    BioOne is an online collection of scientific research in the biological, ecological and environmental sciences.

    BoB is Learning on Screen’s on demand TV and radio service for education that allows staff and students to record programmes from over 75 free-to-air channels; and search an archive of over 2.2 million broadcasts.

    Select 91Pro as your institution and then use your normal login credentials.

    Accessible both on and off campus.

    The British Library main catalogue has millions of records for books, journals, newspapers, printed maps, scores, electronic resources, sound archive items etc. in the Library's collections.

     HOLLY Partial

    British Standards online library modules subscribed to are:

    • GBM1 - Documentation
    • GBM27- Road Vehicle Engineering
    • GBM33 - Materials Handling Equipment
    • GBM36 - Agriculture & Agricultural Engineering
    • GBM 48 - Construction

    From the 1st June 2021 BSI’s documents can only be opened with the FileOpen plug-in installed on your device. IT Services at Harper Adams have created a FileOpen package that allows students and staff to download FileOpen via the 'software centre'.

    If the standard you want is not available online, don't forget we have a collection of print standards in the main collection of the library. If there is no access to a standard both in print and online please contact the library directly.

    •  (video)

    Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing is an award winning, “climate-smart” publisher in agricultural science and its work will help researchers in agricultural science address how to feed a growing population in the face of climate change and increasing competition for land, water and other resources.  


    Business Source Complete is the industry's most popular business research database, featuring the full text for more than 2,200 journals. Full text is provided back to 1965.



    Agricultural Journal abstracts and full text records from over 100 countries. Preferable for U.K and European material.

    Over 150,000 new records per year from 1973 onwards.

    Cambridge Core is the home of academic content from Cambridge University Press.

    The online platform has been designed to help readers and researchers to make fast and easy journeys to a vast range of valuable content. 

    Cambridge Core is the place to find valuable, useful and inspirational research and academic information. With over 1.8 million journal articles.

    British Cattle Veterinary Association's (BCVA) searchable database. Covers cattle health and welfare.

    Login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.

    CTR service shows the importance of referencing, how to write citations and build references. You can use the search feature to find the specific source that you would like to reference. Once you’ve found the source type you’re interested in, you can use the dropdown menu to view the source in your required referencing style. You can either copy/paste your reference into an assignment or email it to yourself.

    Costar is the largest commercial real estate information and analytics provider.

    To register for an account, email helpdesk@costar.co.uk requesting access and you will receive an application form. Once the form has been completed, the support team will email you your login details. You will also be required to have a two-stage authentication process. 


    Digimap allows you to view, annotate and print Ordnance Survey maps of any location in Great Britain.

    An online registration process must be completed before using. 

    •  (PDF)



    Supplier of E-books. Same as Academic Complete.  


    5 databases to select from:

    • CAB Abstracts
    • Food Science Source
    • Greenfile
    • Library, information science & technology abstracts
    • Teacher reference centre


    Access to more than 290 journals covering management and property topics.

    Online news, research and information service for the commercial property market.

    Login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.

    •  (video)

     HOLLY Partial

    Searchable database covering all UK PhD theses. Full text is available for many titles. Updated daily.

    •  (video).

    An online database and information service which provides access to information on the institutions and activities of the European Union, the countries, regions and other international organisations of Europe.


    See Passport


    Comprehensive and up-to-date legislative and policy database, one of the world's largest electronic collection of national laws, regulations and policies on food, agriculture and renewable natural resources.

    Free  access to data from 245 countries and 35 regional areas from 1961 through the most recent year available. Data provided by the Food and Agricultural Organization.

     HOLLY Partial

    Online version of Farmers Weekly. Login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.

    Online Farming information service. Login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.

    Access the Financial Times online to see news reports, special reports, information on worldwide companies and trends.

    to get access - also available on your mobile device and alerts.


    Full-text database withmore than 1,400 publications, including journals, monographs, magazines, and trade publications related to the food industry.


    Google Scholar provides a simple way to broadly search for scholarly literature.

    Be aware that links to journal articles may require a login; Login from the Library home page, not the publisher's page. it may also be that we do not have access to these articles.

    This site includes DEFRA, ONS & ADAS information.


    Covers global climate change, green building, pollution, sustainable agriculture, renewable energy, recycling, and more. Full text via Open Access for more than 6,300 records. Also provides abstracts.


    the UK’s only paid-for online service and weekly magazine with coverage of the whole FMCG sector. Customers range from directors of the large multiples to independent retailers, wholesalers and suppliers, as well as growers, food processors, manufacturers, key opinion formers and the national media.

    Before logging in for the first time, you must register for an account using your Harper student/staff email address.

    Visit .


    This is a useful business resource with Independent and comprehensive research on more than 400 UK industries. Use the data and analysis to understand market size, assess competitors, draft business plans and pitch books, make forecasts and perform due diligence etc.

    Retail Analysis brings you insights into over 400 leading grocery retailers and more than 100 major and developing grocery markets.

    No login required on campus. Accessible off campus only by logging into the .

    iSurv contains full text information and documents on valuation, property, surveying, planning and construction.

    Includes RICS Red Book, a large case law database, the Blue Book, RICS Guidance Notes, information papers and practice notes.

    Login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.


    Searchable database of all UK acts. Includes Scotland, Ireland and Wales, managed by the National Archives.

    Search for case law, Scammell & Densham, All England Law Reports, Estates Gazette Law Reports as well as many other leading law and tax resources. Includes access to Ryde on Ratings, the New Law Journal and Taxation magazine.

    Borrow ebooks and audiobooks from the library for free! Available online or download via the Play Store for use on multiple devices. You can 'borrow' books for a week and you can have up to 3 at a time. You can put a hold request on titles currently out on loan.

    Is there a title you want to read but can't find it? Just let us know and we will see if we can add it to the collection.


     HOLLY Partial

    Full text market research reports on UK Food, UK Drink, UK Retail: overview, UK Foodservice, UK Lifestyles, UK Travel, China Food and Drink, China Retail and China attitudes and trends.


    Nexis Uni is a database that supports business and legal research. Nexis Uni provides over 15,000 credible news, business, and legal sources. 

    Sources include: 

    • Print and online journals, television and radio broadcasts, and blogs
    • Local, regional, national and international newspapers with deep archives
    • Legal sources for case law
    • Business information on UK and international companies



    Online library of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD). Contains content published by the International Energy Agency (IEA), the Nuclear Energy Agency (NEA), the OECD Development Centre, PISA (Programme for International Student Assessment), and the International Transport Forum (ITF).

    An open access, free to use collection of ebooks ranging from business, statistics, science, engineering and more.

    Organic Eprints is an international open access archive of electronic documents related to research in organic food and farming. The archive contains full-text papers together with bibliographic information, abstracts and other metadata. It also offers information on organisations, projects and facilities in the context of organic farming research.


    A global market research tool which provides strategic analysis as well as being a market size and market share database for products across key countries. It also contains information about consumers, the business environment, trade and the infrastructure of many countries.

    To login off campus, click on the person symbol in the top right hand corner and select Log in. Click on OpenAthens and select 91Pro from the dropdown list.

    PQDT Open provides the full text of open access dissertations and theses free of charge.

    Free digital archive of biomedical and life sciences journal literature from 1971 - .1997



    Access to nearly 700 scientific and technical peer reviewed journals. Subjects include Agriculture, Engineering, Energy, Business, Environmental Science and Economics.

    You need to complete a registration form on your first visit.


    Scopus combines an expertly curated abstract and citation database with enriched data and linked scholarly literature across a wide variety of disciplines. With sophisticated tools and analytics, Scopus generates precise citation results, detailed author profiles

    Statista.com consolidates statistical data on over 80,000 topics from more than 22,500 sources.

    Available without login on campus. Accessible off campus only by logging in with your normal Harper login.


    This site offers pesticide users and advisers a comprehensive reference to pesticides and adjuvants that can be legally sold and used in the UK.

    Login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.


    The site uses video, animations, images, text and self-assessment to produce online training material available for students of veterinary nursing, animal science, animal care and veterinary science.

    There is also a section for staff containing lots of teaching resources.

    Login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.

    The world's largest online clinical reference source and provides a series of comprehensive, peer-reviewed digital encyclopaedias, delivering instant and structured point of care information for the treatment of dogs, cats, rabbits, exotics, horses and cattle. Much used by vets in practice.

    You don't need to login on campus. Off campus login details can be found on the Secure Databases page.



    Web of Science provides access to millions of references on scientific topics. Many records allow you to view only the abstract but you can also click on a link  to see if you can access the full text.


    Wiley publishes nearly 1,500 peer-reviewed journals and we have access to nearly half of them.

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