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    Fee assessment

    UK Government Legislation allows publicly funded institutions to charge fees to "Overseas" students at a higher rate than to "Home" students unless they fulfil certain residence and immigration status criteria. If we have asked you to complete a Fee Assessment Form, it is because based on the information you provided as part of your application we need to correctly assess if you should be classified as "Overseas" or “Home” for tuition fee purposes.

    We are unable to carry out a Fee Assessment in advance of study applications being received, if you have not yet made an application to 91Pro and you wish to determine your fee status eligibility first you may find the below information useful.

    Information and guidance on immigration and fees for international students can be found at the UK Council for International Student Affairs (UKCISA).

    You can also obtain independent advice by telephoning the UKCISA Student Advice Line +44 (0) 20 77889214 (13.00 - 16.00 hrs Monday to Friday).

    Specific information on the categories of students who are eligible to be assessed as "home" students can be found at UKCISA fee categories.

    How we assess your tuition fee status

    After you make an application to 91Pro, we will assess the information provided. If a Fee Assessment is required, we will send you an email with a Fee Assessment form to complete.

    You are required to provide full and accurate information at the time of applying. Once you complete and return the Fee Assessment form, we will assess your fee status in conjunction with UKCISA guidance and inform you of the outcome.

    If you do not submit the required Fee Assessment form or supporting documents, we will be unable to correctly assess your eligibility and so your tuition fee status will be set to ‘Overseas’

    Supporting documents

    As part of the Fee Assessment process, we will require sight of supporting documents to check and correctly assess your tuition fee eligibility. This should be in the form of a photograph or a scanned copy of the document. Please be aware that you may be asked to provide original or certified copies of documents later. The following are examples which we may need sight of:

    • Nationality - Copy of the relevant pages of your current passport. If you have dual nationality, you should include copies of both passports.
    • Immigration Status - Your passport, Biometric Residence Permit (BRP), letter from the Home Office, Asylum recognition card.
    • Dependants - Your birth certificate, parents' passports (if dependent), spouse/civil partner's passport (if relevant), marriage certificate, parent’s / spouse’s Biometric Residence Permit BRP.
    • Residence Proof - Council tax bill (to show residency in the UK), GP registration, residence permit, utility bills, tenancy agreements.
    • Employment - Contracts, employment letters, payslips.
    • eVisa / Share code - Unique code or reference number that is used to access or share specific information related to an individual's immigration or residency status and to view eVisa where applicable.

    Can my fee status change?

    There are limited circumstances where your fee status can change part-way through your course. If you are granted refugee status or you officially become a British Citizen, you may be eligible to be re-assessed. Please see the UKCISA webpages for further information.

    Personal data

    The personal information you provide when completing this form will be used by the University solely to determine whether you are classified as a "home" or "overseas" student for the purpose of University tuition fees and will be processed in accordance with 91Pro Data Protection policy. For more information visit Legal and Governance - Data, privacy and cookies.

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