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Here you can find information about reapplying for student finance, placement funding and fee liability as you continue studying at Harper Adams.
Once your application is submitted, it is possible to make changes to the details via your Student Finance online account. If the course you applied for changes, it is important to log back into your Student Finance account and update the details before the start of term.
Should your personal circumstances change, it is important that you keep your Student Finance account up to date so that your payments are not delayed in the future.
Yes, even if none of your personal circumstances have changed.
Should you leave the University prematurely, you will still be liable for at least a proportion of the costs incurred. The liability dates and levels for fees are as follows:
Please refer to the Fees and Charges brochure if you are a postgraduate, PhD or international student as different liability dates and levels apply.
Your repayments will start in April; normally the year after you leave or complete your course. The Repayments Team at the Student Loans Company handle this, and repayments are calculated and deducted straight out of your salary each month. If you are not salaried they will help arrange for you to make repayments directly.
Repayments are taken as a percentage of your earnings above the threshold stipulated by your Student Finance authority. This means that if your income changes for any reason, repayments will be adjusted.
The majority of UK 'home' students on placement (paid or unpaid) during an academic year are eligible for:
Student Finance England and Student Finance Wales will offer full maintenance support (means tested) to students if their work placement is defined as:
Any income you earn as part of your placement year will not impact on your entitlement to a loan during the placement year or thereafter.
You are eligible to take the loan; however, it is completely up to you. Some students may choose to take the loan and save it as an emergency fund or towards their final year.
You may receive your maintenance payments early in your placement year. This is because Student Finance appreciate that you may start your placement before the start of the normal academic year and may have costs such as accommodation. The first payment could be made as early as August. To be able to receive an early payment it is very important that you indicate you would like your maintenance loan to be auto-released when you make your application.
Please ensure that you have provided your up to date bank details and your National Insurance number to the Student Finance authority when you are applying.
During placement years you are not eligible for DSA. This means it is very important that you ensure you have all the necessary equipment you require prior to starting a placement year. Please contact staff in the Learner Support team for advice.
You may be eligible for the Access to Work grant. This can help pay for practical support if you have a disability, health or mental health condition. For further information, please visit the webpage.
If you have children or an adult dependent and normally receive grants for them, e.g. the Parents' Learning Allowance, Childcare Grant and Adult Dependents' Grant, you will not be entitled to receive these during your placement year.
If you are on a paid placement you may qualify for Universal Credit. Universal Credit is a monthly payment to help with your living costs. You may be able to get it if you’re on a low income. For further information, please visit the webpage.
Full time students on a placement year integral to their programme of study can claim Council Tax exemption.
You can print a confirmation letter for council tax exemption purposes as follows:
Please ensure you keep your personal and contact details up to date by using the Self Service - Check and Update your Personal Details area on e:vision.
If you have any queries regarding your property, contact your Landlord or the local Council Tax department.
If you have any queries regarding your confirmation letter or personal details, please contact the Student Records office.
If you have a job when you’re a student, including if you paid while on placement, you may need to pay Income Tax and National Insurance. Your employer will usually deduct Income Tax and National Insurance from your wages through Pay As You Earn (PAYE) if you earn more than the designated threshold.
For further information please visit the webpage.
Yes. Students allowed to progress in to the next full academic year of their course (whether that be a placement year or not) can expect to receive details about how to enrol and register. Students on placement are required to enrol (online), but do not have to register face-to-face. Information is usually sent out from late August onwards.
You can re-apply for student loans online by logging onto your Student Finance account.
Applications usually launch from the end of February (for Student Finance England), onwards ready to re-apply for funding to be in place for the summer/September term.
If you are hit by an unexpected financial crisis whilst you are on your placement, please do contact us. You may be eligible to receive help via the Access to Learning Fund. Please contact Student Services for more information.
91Pro contacts:
Planning & Policy team (for student loans advice and Student Records matters)
Email: studentrecords@harper-adams.ac.uk
Student Services team (for support, advice, and signposting to the Wellbeing team)
Email: studentservices@harper-adams.ac.uk
External contacts:
Student Finance England
Student Finance Wales
Student Finance Scotland
Student Finance Northern Ireland
Student Finance Ireland
Income Tax
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