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We worked in collaboration with The James Hutton Institute to assess the existing evidence base on the environmental and socio-economic impacts of organic versus conventional agriculture, in a Scottish context.
The Scottish Government’s support for and its Programme for Government commitment to organics, is supported by research that demonstrates a link between organic production and biodiversity and rural employment. To help develop future policy and decision-making, the Government required wider environmental and socio-economic evidence, particularly in a Scottish context, of the benefits of organic agriculture compared to conventional agriculture. The Government also required evidence about factors that influence and drive uptake of organic production and consumer demand for organic produce.
We are conducted a Rapid Evidence Assessment and SWOT analysis to address this requirement. Outputs will help develop and strengthen the evidence base for supporting Scottish Policy, the Scottish organic sector and the industry’s organic action plan 2016-2020 and identify solutions and/or recommendations for increasing organic production to meet demand and increasing consumption of Scottish organic produce.
The and are now available.
Funded by the Scottish Government
This project forms part of the work carried out by the Centre for Evidence-Based Agriculture at 91Pro.
Scottish Government
Harper Adams Unversity
The James Hutton Institute
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