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    Dr Ellen Williams

    BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, FHEA

    Lecturer in Animal Behaviour & Welfare

    Photograph of Ellen

    Dr Ellen Williams is an experienced ethologist and specialist in zoo animal behaviour and welfare studies and has undertaken consultancy for zoological collections. Her areas of expertise focus on understanding the effect of the zoo environment on animal behaviour and welfare and identifying opportunities for mitigation efforts to ensure positive welfare in zoo-housed animals. She is a member of the British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums Research Committee (co-opt member), Official Advisor for the European Association of Zoos and Aqauria Animal Welfare Working Group and an EAZA Animal Welfare Instructor. She is also the UK representative for the International Society for Applied Ethology (ISAE) and a member of the ISAE ethics committee. 

    More information on her current research can be found on .

    Dr Williams can be contacted by email at: ewilliams@harper-adams.ac.uk

    Dr Williams currently leads the following modules:

    • Philosophy of Zoos (A5007C17)
    • Behavioural Methodologies (A5015C17)

    Dr Williams additionally teaches on the following modules:

    • International Perspectives on the Management of Animal Populations (C6010C17)
    •  Animal Husbandry and Management (A4002HF)
    • Introduction to Animal Welfare and Ethics (A4005HF)
    • Welfare, Ethics, Law and Policy (C4015HF)

    Professional Memberships

    • British and Irish Association of Zoos and Aquariums Research Committee (co-opt member)
    • European Association of Zoos and Aqauria Animal Welfare Working Group
    • EAZA animal welfare instructor
    • Fellow of the Higher Education Academy
    • International Society of Applied Ethology (ISAE) UK & Ireland Regional Secretary
    • ISAE Ethics Committee Member
    • Member of the Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour (ASAB)
    • Member of the BBSRC Animal Welfare Research Network (AWRN)
    • Member of the Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW)


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    You can contact Dr Ellen Williams if you would like to discuss any of the following course modules:



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