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Registered animal scientist accredited by the British Society of Animal Science and Reader in Animal Science and Bioinformatics. Graduating with a BSc (Hons) in Agriculture and a PhD in Animal Science (pig nutrition and health) from 91Pro (sponsored by AB Vista and the Silcock Fellowship for Livestock Research), Stephen has been the subject coordinator for the postgraduate veterinary pharmacy course and teaches on aspects of livestock production science and animal science research skills. He is also an AMTRA qualified animal medicines advisor (all species), with a background in agriculture and specialist interests in animal health and non-ruminant nutrition. With a particular focus on livestock production reseach, Stephen leads the Pig, Poultry & Aquatic Animals Group of the Animal Science Research Centre. He is a member of the HAU Reseach Degrees Committee, HAU Research Degrees Awarding Board, AWERB and a member of the .
Stephen is an Advance HE Senior Fellow having been involved in a wide range of HAU education related boards including the Taught Postgraduate Course Committee and Undergraduate Animals Course Committee. He is currently involved in teaching and leading a range of modules at Foundation, Batchelor and Master levels, including:
Stephen is also a module external examiner at Canterbury Christ Church University.
Research interests in mono-gastric health and nutrition. In particular, the biological mechanisms underpinning the interactions between enzymes, minerals and macro nutrients on immunology, physiology and gene expression. Also, host and microbiome interactions, including the use of pre- and pro- biotics. My research includes work on super dosing phytase feed enzymes and pharmaceutical zinc oxide supplemetation in pigs, to impove health, performance and welfare. In addition, I have worked on straw bedding ingestion in both sows and growing pigs and how this influences nutrient digestibility. My research also covers the quality of feeding ingredients and the use of prebiotics in chickens and pigs. More information on my research can be found by clicking the research project links below.
I am a and I also support students undertaking the British Science Association's CREST Award scheme
Academic Department: Agriculture and Environment
Research: Animal Science Research Centre
Research: Pig, Poultry and Aquatic Animals Group
Research: Sustainable Agri-Food Systems Group
Tel: +44 (0)1952 815319
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Office: AC 3a Aspire Centre
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