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Information and advice for apprentices to guide you through the enrolment process and starting at 91Pro.
Apprenticeships Office
+44(0)1952 815054
Welcome to the Online Enrolment facility for apprenticeship courses. You will be able to start the enrolment process once you have received an e-mail from the University inviting you to enrol.
If your apprenticeship place has already been confirmed you will receive information regarding enrolment via e-mail in August. If you have results or other information pending, enrolment instructions will be sent within one week of your place being confirmed.
The enrolment process is all online and should take around 20 minutes. You will be required to confirm that the information that we currently hold about you is correct, make changes where necessary, confirm your course details and read and agree to the University's enrolment agreement and regulations. The key enrolment regulation document will be emailed as part of the enrolment invitation, and we recommend that you read this before starting the online process.
Before you start, you should have to hand:
Once you have completed the online process remember to keep your username and password safe as you will need these to log back in to the Harper Portal to access your Harper Adams student e-mail account.
Before the start of your apprenticeship, you will be invited to an induction (either online or on campus). See further details below.
You will need to sign compliance documentation in once your apprenticeship programme has been applied to your account.
The Education & Skills Funding Agency (ESFA) will pay your apprenticeship funding to the University. This answer to this question has already been pre-populated to say Apprenticeship Funding in your online enrolment process.
Further FAQ can be found on our general Online Enrolment page.
Your induction will be available in the . Please click View All and work your way through each tile.
Apprentices studying BSc (Hons) Rural Enterprise and Land Management will commence their first taught week on Monday, 8 September 2025. Prior to your start date, a welcome event is planned for Sunday 7 September, further details will be e-mailed to you.
Apprentices studying MProf Rural Estate and Land Management will commence on Monday, 16 September 2024. Please refer to the Postgraduate online enrolment and induction for further information.
Apprentices studying BSc (Hons) Food Science and Technology will commence on Wednesday, 25 September 2024.
The Vet Technician higher apprenticeship including University Diploma Vet Technician will commence at 10am on Tuesday, 24 September 2024 in the Temperton Room in the Main Building, number 10 on the campus plan.
Aptem is an information management system we use to manage your apprenticeship and monitor progress towards meeting the learning objectives and the knowledge, skills and behaviours required to achieve your learning plan. It will hold information about the modules you are studying, the assignments you have completed and the hours you have logged for Off-The-Job (OTJ) time.
Aptem will be used by you, your employer, the course and apprenticeship teams at 91Pro to record, review and track your progress, alongside acting as a portfolio for you over the duration of your apprenticeship. Training and support will be provided, with regular drop-in and remote sessions where needed. The system allows us to monitor your progress towards gaining 100% of the knowledge, skills and behaviours within the apprenticeship standards and also to monitor that you are meeting the required minimum OTJ training hours.
It is important to make sure that all information held within Aptem is accurate; please update your account with any changes to your personal details, for example, your name, address, and contact numbers. If your circumstances change at work, please inform the apprenticeship team so they can update details such as your line manager, mentor and job role.
Further information and instructions on how to use Aptem can be found in the .
Accommodation on campus is limited for taught weeks, but can be booked and purchased through the website subject to availability, along with a weekly .
Bed and Breakfast is available in the local area.
There are numerous catering outlets on campus for daytime refreshments. Note that refreshment purchases on campus are card only.
Your attendance on campus is monitored through the Attendance Recording system. You will need to log your attendance every morning and afternoon of each taught day. This evidence of attendance is then verified to then allocate your off the job hours to your learning plan in Aptem. The University is responsible for safeguarding apprentices whilst on campus, so we will let your employer know if you are not in attendance, to ensure we record accident or illness.
Your apprenticeship is fully funded by a contract your employer has with the ESFA. You may need to speak to your employer about paying for accommodation and meals whilst on campus. If you fail a module, there may be other fees such as re-assessments or re-sits to consider for discussion with your employer.
You will need to withdraw your full time offer with UCAS before we can enrol you onto the apprenticeship.
As part of your application and online enrolment, you will have checked and provided us with some of your personal details. If any of these have changed, you should notify a member of the Apprenticeships team by emailing the team at apprenticesupport@harper-adams.ac.uk at any point in advance of starting your apprenticeship.
Once you are a registered student you will be able to use the self-service function within , our Student Portal. You will also need to change your personal details in Aptem, instructions on how to do this can be found in the
Your timetable will be available in Celcat, however new apprentices will be advised by the Course Leader of when and where they will need to report to when they first arrive at the University, prior to their start date. Apprenticeship course dates for the whole academic year are available in the and will have been e-mailed directly to you.
If you expect your arrival to be delayed please contact us on 01952 815054 or apprenticesupport@harper-adams.ac.uk
Apprentices are required to park in the Undergraduate (blue) or Postgraduate car parks (red) marked on the Campus Plan.
Further information can be found on the Travel information for students page.
Your Course Leader will advise you what you need to bring, however in the first instance you will likely need to bring a laptop/tablet, although there are PCs available in the computer rooms and first floor of library. You may want to check laptops work outside of your company.
Unfortunately not. No pets are allowed on campus. Please see our Animals on Campus Policy for further details. This is to ensure the welfare of animals – a student bedroom is not the ideal environment for pets unfortunately! Please be aware that the majority of rented accommodation off-campus in the local area are unlikely to allow pets although we know national legislation may be changing soon which might affect private housing.
If you have uploaded your photo and completed online enrolment. your student ID card will be issued to you on arrival for your first taught day on campus.
From August:
Each apprenticeship has a dedicated Course Leader.
Who to contact for your apprenticeship
Mark Simcock
Emma Pierce-Jenkins
Rachel Hilton
Edward Bond
Karim Farag
Your application and initial assessment may have identified some areas where you need support. Arrangements for support will have been made and included within your Learning Plan.
As the level of learning increases throughout your programme, you may feel the need to access support with Maths and English or Study Skills. This support can be accessed through our Learning Support team . The team will arrange to provide additional support as needed.
You are not obliged to tell your employer of the support needed, however we would recommend you speak to them, as they may be able to offer additional support or make adjustments at your place of work. If you need equipment that is expensive it is worth a discussion.
This may be the first time you have done any academic study or writing assignments and you may find this challenging. To help you gain the skills required, there are resources within the to help, including guides for report writing and referencing. There is also an academic guidance team available if you would prefer 1:1 support from a tutor. Go to the learning support section of the for more information. Support is available at any time during your apprenticeship, so contact the team when you need any support.
There may be times during your apprenticeship where you need support with your mental health or wellbeing. There are various avenues available through the university or external agencies and your employer may also have support available. We ask you to complete a wellbeing checklist each month, where you are able to request a call back from the apprenticeship team, or ask for support. You can also contact the apprenticeship team at any point during your programme and we can direct you to relevant agencies or teams within the university who can help. You can also contact the Wellbeing Support team directly at any point.
Alternatively, a free Supporting Apprentices service, delivered by Able Futures and funded by the Department for Work and Pensions, is available to any apprentice who is experiencing mental health difficulties at work. It complements any existing occupational health service in the workplace, delivered by trained professionals with expertise in mental health in the workplace.
Specialist advisors provide:
You can reach the service on 0800 321 3137 and speak to one of the advisors, or apply online via the .
We are always interested to hear about your experience as an apprentice and encourage you to provide feedback in order for us to make improvements, celebrate success and share good practice. The apprenticeship team will send out an annual survey to hear your views on the apprenticeship and you will also receive a course review survey each year to provide feedback on module content and teaching. Feedback can also be provided during progress reviews. If you would like to provide informal feedback about the programme, please contact the apprenticeships team at any time.
We always like the opportunity to celebrate success and share your experiences via our website and social media; please let the apprenticeship team know if you have achieved milestones within your career, so we can share your news! In addition, we will write case studies about the apprenticeship programme, your experiences and feedback which will be posted on the university website and shared via social media. Please let us know if you have completed any activities at work that could be used as a case study.
Ask your Employer for an card.
The NUS Apprentice extra card is the only discount card for apprentices and be used at hundreds of high street and online brands.
NUS Apprentice extra provides discounts in-store and online at your favourite brands to help your hard earned cash go a little further. It has been created by the National Union of Students (NUS), and so the money raised selling the discount card helps to fund the National Society for Apprentices, which will serve to represent your needs and those of all vocational learners.
For just £11 for 1 year and £19 for 2 years, you get discounts from the likes of The Co-op, Amazon, Dominos, Alton Towers, New Look and much more!
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